Nhaka Afrikan Worldview Trust

Handing Over The Button Stick To The Upcoming Generations

Youth exposed to cash crops

About Nhaka Afrikan Worldview Trust (NAWT)

NAWT places heritage (Nhaka) at the center of all our development initiatives, anchored on five thematic areas:

  • Heritage Preservation: Promoting and protecting cultural heritage.
  • Youth & Women Empowerment: Encouraging leadership and economic opportunities.
  • Orphans & Vulnerable Children: Supporting their health and education.
  • Health & Sanitation: Advocating for clean environments and healthy living.
  • Climate & Conservation: Promoting sustainability and environmental protection.
In image, University leaders & Students with NAWT
Our Mission and Activities

Strengthening capacity for self help and providing economic opportunities.

We align our activities with seven UN 2030 agenda goals, including good health, quality education, gender equality, clean water, decent work, climate change, and sustainable land management. Our goal is to create lasting positive change through these endeavors.

In image, Mutasa money savings club (Mukando)
Our Values

NAWT holds a profound respect for all individuals, regardless of their background or belief systems, emphasizing the shared identity as children of the universe with an inherent right to coexist. Our core values, rooted in transparency, respect, accountability, and non-discrimination, underscore our commitment to fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment.

NAWT seeks to preserve and inculcate a productive cultural heritage
Our Vision and Principles

NAWT seeks to preserve and inculcate a productive cultural heritage in a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty is overcome and people live in dignity and social security.

Guided by principles that acknowledge universal religious and traditional values, as well as the fundamental human rights, freedoms, and equality, NAWT seeks to uphold a framework that transcends political affiliations and promotes collective teamwork.

Our Journey Through Time

Nhaka Afrikan Worldview Trust (NAWT) traces its roots back to 2005 when it was established as a Community Based Organization. The organization's initial focus was to provide assistance to socially challenged individuals, with a particular emphasis on orphans and vulnerable children in Mutasa District, Zimbabwe.

The year 2007 marked a significant milestone as NAWT transitioned to formalize its structure, registering as a Trust. Embracing low-cost development approaches, the organization continued its commitment to making a positive impact in the community.

In 2009, with crucial funding, NAWT embarked on expansive initiatives, including the establishment of nutrition gardens, skills training for youths, and the provision of support for orphaned children's school fees. These efforts aimed to address the multifaceted challenges faced by the community and promote sustainable development.

NAWT's dedication to water harvesting has been an enduring aspect of its mission. Over the years, activities in 2021 and 2022 involved substantial projects, including the construction of a large reservoir, contributing to water resource management and community sustainability.

Building on its successes, in 2023, NAWT extended its reach to Umguza District, introducing water conservation measures to address environmental concerns and enhance the resilience of the local community.

Our Work

Project 1

Preparing fertility trenches to make small gardens for each of the 250 intended households to be self-sufficient with home grown organic nutritious vegetables

Climate-Resilient Lifestyles

NAWT partnered with Seniors Without Borders on an 18-month project, "Promotion of climate-resilient lifestyles among rural families in Umguza district, Zimbabwe." The project aims to enhance resilience in disaster-prone Umguza through sustainable agricultural production, institutional capacity building, and climate change knowledge dissemination. View More

Project 2

NAWT has contributed to enviromnetal conservation

Environment and Conservation

Addressing climate change, NAWT pioneers conservation agriculture and indigenous knowledge systems. The project emphasizes adapting daily life patterns, including planting indigenous veggies, constructing weirs for water harvesting, and promoting the use of firewood-saving stoves.

Project 3

Bindura women threshing sourghum

Women Empowerment

NAWT empowers women through capacity gardens, income-generating activities, and cultivation of small grains, mushrooms, and indigenous vegetables. This project aims to bring effective change to society by nurturing women who contribute to present and future generations.

Project 4

Sporting Activities at the SRRC

Youth Empowerment

NAWT provides caregiving services, counseling, sports activities, and indigenous knowledge system skills to empower the youth. Through programs like Integrated Skills Outreach Programs (ISOP) and International Christian Youthworks (ICY) diploma, NAWT prepares the youth to become future leaders.

Project 5

Handwashing mechanism

Health Hygiene and Sanitation

NAWT fights against unsafe sanitation and poor hygiene through demonstrations, campaigns, and workshops. The project emphasizes clean environments, safe homes, and the provision of clean and safe water to prevent unnecessary illness and death.

Project 6

Marondera orphans in donated hats by Hanna Wallacein Canada

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

NAWT stands as the mother to the motherless, giving voice to the voiceless. The project empowers orphans and vulnerable children through knowledge, education assistance, and capacity-building skills, fostering self-reliance and a sense of self-worth.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Thank you for considering a contribution to Nhaka Afrikan Worldview Trust. Your support helps advance our mission and create positive change in communities. To make a donation, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • NAWT welcomes volunteers at different levels:

    • Leadership Level Volunteers: Board of Trustees (BoT), National Executive Committee (NEC), NAWT Officers, Community Trainer of Trainers (ToT), and Partner Volunteers.
    • Community Level: Units / FFLGs, Clusters, Money savings club members, Nutrition Volunteers.
    • The pregnant woman resembles the future generations (nhaka)- heritage she is carrying in her womb.
    • The traditional basket the woman is carrying resembles her produce or gifts for distribution to the needy accordingly.
    • The shadow resembles the tranquility and the peace associated with the woman.
    • The hut resembles the African worldview.
    • The sun shines everywhere in the universe and NAWT envisages shining everywhere and doing good to mankind.

Contact Us

Stand No: 1087, 2 Fairview Crescent, Winston Park, Marondera, Zimbabwe